Kiss The Wave

Roughly three months ago life got a bit rocky when my father had a serious health scare. With an infection that entered his spine and several other major health complications; doctors prepared us to understand that he might not make it. Everything was moving fast yet so slowly all at once. My priorities were completely and abruptly re-arranged. Our family took shifts caring for our father while he was hospitalized, witnessing several complications and facing discouraging scenarios. There were countless times where the situation looked hopeless yet God gave us hope and strength to keep moving forward. I am happy to report that my father is near the end of his treatment and beginning to regain his strength to walk again through physical therapy. Though we still have a ways to go, we are incredibly thankful for all that God has done.

For those of you who have prayed, checked in on our family, and served us in countless ways; thank you. The Lord has truly blessed us with your support.

Looking back upon the numerous ways the Lord showed up in this season I am reminded of a quote from Charles Spurgeon.

“I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.”- Charles Spurgeon

I think its safe to say that most of us don't like the discomfort that pain brings. In the midst of it all we may even subconsciously question why God allows it. Sometimes we fail to run to the Lord with our prayers or questions and just straight up get upset that it's happening. Maybe we keep it to ourselves and try not to think about it, attempt to control the situation in our own strength, or allow frustration to be built up against God. Maybe we even blow up and vent to everyone else except the Lord. But what if this pain that we wrestle with, somehow draws us closer to Christ?


Here's the thing, whether the wave you are facing is a direct impact of your sin or the sin of others, we currently reside on an earth that is crying out for Christ's return. Pain and disorder is prevalent. If we find ourselves blaming God for the implications of sin that we face, our perspective needs to be adjusted. Do not let the pain of this world lead you to misunderstand and incorrectly define who God is. He's the One that rescued us when we deserved to drown. Our ultimate treasure should be found in the God who saves, not in the fleeting and unsteady things this world holds. No matter how big of a wave we face, this wave will never scale in comparison to how powerful God is. Although we know we will face trial and persecution, we are promised that with Christ we don't have to go at it alone.


Though at times we may feel like we are drowning, we can take hope knowing that God is our Rock (Psalm 18:2). Because of Christ we stand on solid, unshakeable ground. When we look at the Gospel- Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration; we see that even after God created everything perfectly and our sin against Him enters the picture, He still chooses to love us by Redeeming and Restoring.

Whether our situation turns out the way we would like it to; nothing can take away the justification that has been purchased for us by Christ, we can truly rest in this finished work of our Redeemer. We can also take confidence knowing that if He doesn't bring restoration in the here and now through these difficult times (which we should boldly ask for in accordance to His will), His word promises that He will one day return to bring justice and restore all things.

Over the past few months I cannot say that I suffered perfectly. I fell short many times but through the chaos- God graciously positioned me to cling onto the One who understands and suffered perfectly; Christ. Through dependence upon Him, I had to grasp that God doesn't owe us anything... yet He hears our prayers and brings comfort all the while working in us to look more like Christ. I was reminded that this life is not my own but for His will to be accomplished through it. Whatever that perfect will is, it is good and we can trust Him no matter how scary the waves may seem. Through these waves and His provision He humbled me to marvel in the fact that He is faithful even though I have been faithless too many times.


"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."  James 1:2-4 NIV

Although circumstances that bring discomfort may appear to be horrible, they throw us into the arms of our precious and beautiful Savior, our Refuge, our Mighty Fortress, our Rock. Let's rejoice and consider it pure joy in these trials, knowing that God cares and will work it all out for good. Let's kiss the wave that we are given and give thanks to God that He is working in and through it for His glory.

I know my father's health scare is not the last of the many waves I will face on this earth but I am thankful that it drew me to God and showed me who He is more. This wave was a painful one but also an incredible gift, as it deepened my dependence and trust upon the Lord. Praise God for being a Father who rightly disciplines and sanctifies us through the storms we face. His answered prayers are just a taste of what is to come when He will make all things right. All glory to God.

Kellie Martin